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NOMA, which thrives only when voluntary members contribute their time and resources, has as its mission the building of a strong national organization, strong chapters and strong members for the purpose of minimizing the effect of racism in our profession.
Strength in NOMA is built through unity in the cause that created the organization. Our impact is felt when our organization wrestles with the dilemmas that face this nation, particularly as they affect our profession. There is strength in numbers. By increasing the number of people in this organization, we add strength to the voice with which we can speak against apathy, bigotry, intolerance and ignorance; against abuse of the natural environment; and for the un-empowered, the marginalized and the disenfranchised.
By building a strong organization, we develop a showcase for the excellence and creativity which have been ignored for so long. Through our publications and conferences, we are able to inform the world that minority professionals have the talent and capabilities to perform in design and construction with any other group.
By building strong chapters of design professionals whose sensibilities and interests include promotion of urban communities, we are able to respond to the concerns that affect marginalized communities and people. Our goals are to increase the level of participation in the social, political and economic benefits afforded the citizens of this nation and to tear down the barriers that make full participation unattainable. Chapters give members a base from which to be involved in politics, to visit schools and reach out to children, to conduct community and civic forums and to responsibly practice in our professional capacities.
NOMA’s mission, rooted in a rich legacy of activism, is to empower our local chapters and membership to foster justice and equity in communities of color through outreach, community advocacy, professional development and design excellence.
Wendell Campbell, 1971-1973 John S. Chase, 1975 Kenneth B. Groggs, 1977 Robert J. Nash, 1979-1980 Harold Williams, 1982 Standford Britt, 1984 Earl Kai Chan, 1987-1988 William J. Stanley III, 1991-1992 Michael Rogers, 1995 Roberta Washington, 1997 William Davis Jr, 1999 Paul Taylor, 2001 Drake Dillard, 2003-2004 Carlton Smith, 2007-2008 Sanford E. Garner, 2011-2012 Kevin Holland, 2015-2016 Kimberly H. Dowdell, 2019-2020 Pascale Sablan, 2023-2024 | Leroy M. Campbell, 1973 Charles McAfee, 1976 Andrew Heard, 1978 Leon Bridges, 1981 Paul S. Devrouax Jr, 1983 Marshall Purnell, 1985-1986 Harry Overstreet, 1989-1990 Robert Easter, 1993-1994 Cheryl McAfee, 1996 Donald Gardner, 1998 Daniel C. Hall, 2000 Kenneth Martin, 2002 James Washington, 2005-2006 R. Steven Lewis, 2009-2010 Kathy D. Dixon, 2013-2014 Bryan Hudson, 2017-2018 Jason E. Pugh, 2021-2022 Bryan C. Lee Jr, 2025-2026 |
Current NOMA Council Members
Andrew Heard, FAIA, NOMAC Andrew Thompson, AIA, NOMAC Anzilla Gilmore, FAIA, NOMAC Brad Grant, FAIA, NOMAC Bryan Hudson, AIA, NOMAC Carla Flagg, AIA, NOMAC Carlton Smith, FAIA, NOMAC Charles Smith, AIA, NOMAC Charles McAfee, FAIA, NOMAC Cheryl McAfee, FAIA, NOMAC Clarence Mobley, AIA, NOMAC Curt Moody, FAIA, NOMAC Daniel Christopher Hall, FAIA, NOMAC David Hughes, FAIA, NOMA Dennis Mann, FAIA, NOMAC Drake Dillard, AIA, NOMAC Gabrielle Bullock, FAIA, NOMAC Heather O’Neal, AIA, NOMAC Jack Travis, FAIA, NOMAC James Washington, FAIA, NOMAC Jason Pugh, AIA, NOMAC | Kathryn Bradford Tyler Prigmore, FAIA, NOMAC Kathy Denise Dixon, FAIA, NOMAC Kenneth Martin, FAIA NOMAC Kevin Holland, FAIA, NOMAC Kimberly Dowdell, AIA, NOMAC Leon Bridges, FAIA, NOMAC Marshall Purnell, FAIA, NOMAC Michael Rogers, AIA, NOMAC Paul Taylor, AIA, NOMAC R. Steven Lewis, FAIA, NOMAC Richard Franklin, AIA, NOMAC Robert Easter, FAIA, NOMAC Roberta Washington, FAIA NOMAC Rod Henmi, FAIA, NOMAC Ronald Garner, AIA, NOMAC Sanford Garner, FAIA, NOMAC Standford Britt, FAIA, NOMAC William Brown, III, FAIA, NOMAC William Davis, Jr., AIA, NOMAC William J. Stanley III, FAIA, NOMAC, Hon. FRAIC |
NOMA Council in Memoriam
Earl Kai Chan, NOMAC Harold Williams, FAIA, NOMAC Harry Overstreet, AIA, NOMAC James Dodd, NOMAC Jeh Johnson, FAIA, NOMAC John Chase, FAIA, NOMAC Kenneth Casey, NOMAC Kenneth Groggs, FAIA, NOMAC Leroy Campbell, FAIA, NOMAC Louis Fry, Sr., AIA, NOMAC | Mortimer Marshall, NOMAC, FAIA Nelson Harris, NOMAC Paul Devrouax, FAIA, NOMAC Pedro Lopez, AIA, NOMAC Phillip Freelon, FAIA, NOMAC Prescott Reavis, NOMAC Robert Nash, FAIA, NOMAC Robert Wilson, NOMAC Wendell Campbell, FAIA, NOMAC William Brown II, NOMAC |
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