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March 30, 2022
by: Tiara Hughes, NOMA
For the month of March, NOMA National recognizes NOMA Colorado as the chapter that welcomes fellowship and friendship to all members. Last year, this chapter hosted the NOMA National Board’s second quarter meeting in person. In keeping with the chapter’s hospitality, the NOMA Inaugural Ski Weekend happened this month. NOMA Colorado desires for the profession to show inclusiveness to all members no matter location, age, or walk of life. It is self-evident that this chapter opens their arms to all NOMA members. NOMA Colorado invites fellow colleagues to come to the events plan this year. Join us in recognizing a young chapter with a mighty impact of pushing the NOMA Mission forward!
Tiara Hughes: How does it feel to be selected as a featured NOMA Spotlight?
NOMA Colorado has just completed our inaugural year in 2021. We incorporated as a Chapter of NOMA National during the pandemic in 2020. The pandemic still raged on in 2021, but we managed to host a few in person events as well as virtual webinars. We also partnered with AIA Colorado on several webinars featuring issues involving Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. We are fortunate to have a very robust relationship with the AIA Colorado Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (J.E.D.I.) Committee and the AIA Colorado Board of Directors. We thank NOMA for their continued support in our efforts.
NOMA Colorado Leadership
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